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Online Banking Security Tips

Written by OpenMindLeader on 6:40 AM

Online banking is one major application which we use in Internet and it is very important too.If your not secured then your bank account will be compromised.Many attackers use Man-in-middle attack in order to get the transactions ids and other important information.So here are basic tips when you start online banking..

Before using Online Banking:

* Make sure that your computer has up-to-date firewall, antivirus, and anti-spyware software. Have your anti-virus software check for, and update, your anti-virus signatures daily. You wouldn't leave the front door of your house open for would-be thieves - having no protection on your computer is an equally tempting invitation to online thieves
* Check for available patches that will fix known flaws to your programs and operating systems. Configure home computers to be notified automatically of new patches as they become available in the future.

While Using Online Banking:

* Use a password that is as secure as possible. Avoid the obvious, such as birthdays, children's names, or words you find in a dictionary. Use a password with a variety of letters, numbers, and symbols. Use a different password for every site that mandates a password and change passwords every six to twelve months at a minimum
* E-mail is frequently unencrypted, so even if you access your financial information from a secured Web page, be wary of sending sensitive information such as account numbers, passwords, and other personal information through e-mail. Make sure that your anti-virus software scans your incoming e-mail as it is received
* Protect personal information. Never respond to an e-mail asking for information such as your date of birth or Social Security number. If it seems suspicious, call the business at a phone number you know is correct
* Know with whom you're doing business. Read the "About Us" section of the site. It should provide information about the company, its history, and how to contact it. Watch out for copycat sites that mimic a legitimate site. Always ensure that you are really logging on the correct Web site, particularly for banks and other financial institutions
* Always log off properly after you have completed your online business. Follow the secure area exit instructions to ensure the protection of your financial information.

Other System Settings and Assumptions:

Note: In all cases, the following system settings are assumed:
Cookies JavaScript Screen Resolution Minimum Adobe Acrobat Reader
Permanent=Enabled Enabled 1024X768 Version 6.X or higher

system :Minimum system specifications are as defined by the browser supplier

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