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Prevent XSS Attaks

Written by OpenMindLeader on 8:05 PM

What are XSS Attacks?
XSS attacks are attacks that target the end user instead of your actual site. Vulnerable web applications that don't check or sanitize incoming data let arbitrary code to run on a client computer (such as Javascript). The end result can be anything from stealing cookie data or redirecting to a different site, to embedding a browser exploit on a page. Anything that can be done with Javascript (a lot!) can be done if your application is vulnerable.

How do I Prevent XSS Attacks?
To prevent XSS attacks, you just have to check and sanitize all user inputted data that you plan on using.

For starters, disallow all HTML. Use htmlspecialchars() to convert HTML characters into HTML entities. So characters like < and > that mark the beginning/end of a tag are turned into < and >. It is not enough to simply use strip_tags() to only allow some tags as the function does not strip out harmful attributes like the onclick or onload. Even an innocent looking tag can contain some nasty code.

If you need to allow users to enter formatted text, then you have to create some sort of code like BBCode. But make sure you check and sanitize the output or else you'll suffer from vulnerabilities like Bob. For example, if you have a [url] tag that enters a link, make sure users don't enter something like


Make sure they enter valid URL's.

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